podróże do zeszlego lata #39

krótko, zwięźle i w sedno o Havanie piszą ci, co sie na tym znają w unesco: 

Havana was founded in 1519 by the Spanish. By the 17th century, it had become one of the Caribbean's main centres for ship-building. Although it is today a sprawling metropolis of 2 million inhabitants, its old centre retains an interesting mix of Baroque and neoclassical monuments, and a homogeneous ensemble of private houses with arcades, balconies, wrought-iron gates and internal courtyards.

i jeszcze przytoczę jeden dwa kryteria, dlaczego Havana jest cenna:
po pierwsze
The historic fortunes of Havana were a product of the exceptional function of its bay as an obligatory stop on the maritime route to the New World, which consequently necessitated its military protection. The extensive network of defensive installations created between the 16th and 19th centuries includes some of the oldest and largest extant stone fortifications in the Americas, among them La Cabaña fortress on the east side of the narrow entrance canal to Havana Bay, Real Fuerza Castle on the west side, and Morro castle and La Punta castle guarding the entrance to the canal.

oraz po drugie:
The historic centre of Havana has maintained a remarkable unity of character resulting from the superimposition of different periods in its history, which has been achieved in a harmonious yet expressive manner through adherence to the original urban layout and underlying pattern of the city as a whole. Within the historical centre of the city are many buildings of outstanding architectural merit, especially surrounding its plazas, which are set off by houses and residential buildings in a more popular or traditional style that, when considered as a whole, provide an overall sense of architectural, historical and environmental continuity that makes Old Havana the most impressive historical city centre in the Caribbean and one of the most notable in the American continent as a whole.

i moje uzasadnienie: to perła, ktora błyszczy tym mocniej, ze na ulicach nie ma bilboardów, logosów, smieci wizualnych. czysta przestrzen pozwala docenic piekno kompozycji, moze dlatego tak olśniewa...?
poza tym - autentycznosc olsniewa. i ludzie olsniewają
fotograficznie podaję trzeci aspekt, dlaczego havana ma moc:

dumna jak kubanka: 

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